Task 1 – Noel’s Music Quiz

Complete working solution to NEA programming tasks.

If you are teaching GCSE computer science then this complete programmed solution will be a lifesaver. The model answers use a range of structured programming techniques and programming features, which complement the programming theory. The code is modularised making it easy to understand each sub task solution. The solutions are complete and easy to understand. Created by very experienced computer science and programming teachers.

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The solutions are created in Visual basic using the user friendly and robust Visual studio programming environment. This software is completely free from Microsoft and provides a user-friendly graphical programming environment, which assists students in learning programming and debugging techniques.

The relaxed rules now allow teachers to discuss the NEA with other teachers and the previous rule forbidding the purchase of model answers is no longer in place. 

The solutions provided are a sample and a guide. They will help teachers to understand how to do the tasks. They can be easily adapted to form other solutions. All the essentials of the tasks are included in the solution. These sample model solutions are ONLY available to teachers and must be kept confidential by staff at the centre until September 2020.



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Screenshots of the available solution.

Login screen for authenticated users. Checks ID and Password to grant access.


The quiz screen, showing the artist name and the masked song title and current score.

Questions are read in from a text file, so they can be changed.


Player types in the answer.


Incorrect answer.


Correct answer


Correct answer message

Message after 2 attempts.


Option to save the score to a text file


Checks if a better score exists. A lower score is replaced otherwise message shown.


Score board showing top 5 scores with player’s names.


Help screen for user.